
Local News in Brief : Actress Must Attend AA


The daughter of the late actor Peter Sellers and actress Britt Ekland was ordered Monday to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings after she admitted having violated the terms of her parole for an earlier drug-related crime.

Victoria Sellers, 23, of Hollywood, an actress and model, was also ordered by U.S. District Judge David Kenyon in Los Angeles to meet regularly with a psychologist for the duration of her parole, about two years. Under the terms of her parole, she also must take regular drug tests and perform 600 hours of community service.

Sellers was convicted in March, 1986, of knowingly helping drug dealers. Last month, she admitted to several violations of her parole, including using cocaine, and spent 10 days at the Sybil Brand Institute.


In a 25-minute lecture to Sellers, Kenyon told her to let the counseling program “take you wherever it takes you, but not down. The drug thing is not you.”
