
Stirring Rendition : A Quick-Fix Sunday Soup

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Soup used to mean something that simmered on the stove all day long, presumably with someone around to stir it from time to time. These days at my house, that would mean soup is something to be made just on Sundays, the only day of the week anyone is around to stir it at all.

Maybe there’s nothing to compare with chicken soup made with a home-brewed stock or split pea or bean soup, bubbled the day long and braced by a ham bone. But, for the time it takes to prepare, I’ll go for a quick-fix soup that leaves me time to relax on Sunday.

The quickest soup recipe in my file (my mind, really) is Cheese Soup With Tomato, Basil and Pine nuts. Chicken broth (homemade, only if you have time), tomatoes, ricotta cheese, pine nuts, basil and garlic are quickly blended in the food processor or blender (or not quite-so-quickly mashed up together in a bowl).


The puree is heated then more cheese, this time mozzarella, is added. As soon as the mozzarella melts, the soup is ready to serve in warm bowls, garnished with whole toasted pine nuts and basil leaves. It’s pretty and pretty good . . . and very quick.

Serve it as lunch with bread sticks or as an easy dinner with a plate of antipasto, baguettes and a light red wine.


3 cups chicken broth

1 cup coarsely chopped Italian plum tomatoes

1 cup ricotta cheese

1/4 cup toasted pine nuts

1/4 cup chopped fresh basil

2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

Salt, pepper

Additional toasted pine nuts and whole basil leaves, optional

Combine 1 cup broth, tomatoes, ricotta, pine nuts, basil and garlic in blender or food processor fitted with steel blade. Process until blended and smooth.


Transfer to large saucepan. Stir in remaining 2 cups broth and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until hot.

Stir in mozzarella and cook, stirring, until melted. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve in bowls garnished with additional pine nuts and basil leaves. Makes 4 servings.
