
Guitar Humor


Did the word processor make a spelling error in the delightful commentary by Hugh Burr (“Get Out and Do Some Walking--You’ll Never Need to Buy Paper Clips Again”) on the San Diego Opinion Page of June 26?

Reminds me of my son’s high school English assignment about Edgar Allen Poe. The teacher gave him an “A,” but Richard was confused by her scribbled comment in the margin. I was busy baking cookies, so I asked him to read it to me. The essay concluded that “In the end, Poe was found dead in a dirty gutter.” Sounded good to me. Until I read it with my own eyes. My young rocker had spelled it “guitar.”

Maybe Poe dropped his baby gold ring in that gutter near the Mitsubishi Bank before he was discovered dead in a guitar.



San Diego

Editor’s Note: Indeed, that was a typographical error. Burr wrote that he found a gold ring in a gutter--not a guitar--near Mitsubishi Bank.
