
Reagan’s Statement on Gulf

Associated Press

Here is the text of President Reagan’s statement at Camp David, Md., on Sunday regarding the downing by a U.S. cruiser of an Iranian airliner in the Persian Gulf. The statement was read at the White House by presidential spokesman Marlin Fitzwater:

I am saddened to report that it appears that in a proper defensive action by the USS Vincennes this morning in the Persian Gulf, an Iranian airliner was shot down over the Strait of Hormuz.

This is a terrible human tragedy.

Our sympathy and condolences go out to the passengers, crew and their families.

The Defense Department will conduct a full investigation.

We deeply regret any loss of life.

The course of the Iranian civilian airliner was such that it was headed directly for the USS Vincennes, which was at the time engaged with five Iranian Boghammer boats that had attacked our forces.


When the aircraft failed to heed repeated warnings, the Vincennes followed standing orders and widely publicized procedures, firing to protect itself against possible attack.

The only U.S. interest in the Persian Gulf is peace, and this tragedy reinforces the need to achieve that goal with all possible speed.
