
Local News in Brief : Seal Beach : Slow-Growth Recount Halted; No Change Seen

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After a recount of votes from nearly a quarter of the precincts showed no change in the outcome of the city’s June 7 election, slow-growth advocates halted the process, a spokesperson for the Orange County registrar’s office said Tuesday.

The office recounted 10 of the 43 precincts in Seal Beach on Friday at the request of Barbara Rountree and Tom Rogers, both supporters of Measure F, the city version of the countywide Citizens Sensible Growth and Traffic Control Initiative.

Beverley Warner, election supervisor for the registrar’s office in Santa Ana, said Rountree and Rogers decided Friday afternoon after the partial recount to discontinue the $250-per-day hand tabulation of the June 7 election results.


“It (the recount) did not change any percentages, so they decided not to go any further,” Warner said. “It is not uncommon for someone to stop after one day.”
