
Pit Bull With a Passion for the Chase Makes Flat Tire of Delivery Service

United Press International

Angel, a 2-year-old pit bull with menacing teeth, a taste for tires and a passion for adventure, chased down a moving delivery van and chomped the air out of all four steel-belted radials.

Delivery men Pat Dougherty and Paul Cooper had just driven off after repairing a rental television set last week when Angel broke her chain and gave chase.

“It was just like being in ‘Jaws,’ ” said Dougherty, a passenger in the Rental Express van. “I knew the dog bit the air out of the tires. I’ve seen dogs chase cars but never go after their tires.”


“I felt the back end of the van swaying,” said Cooper. “I heard the air seeping from the tires.”

Minutes later, the van sat squarely on all four flattened steel-belted radials, and the two men refused to get out of the van until the dog’s owner, Harold Roy King, came to the rescue.
