
Riding the RTD


I liked riding the bus while on jury duty recently. The price was right, 85 cents. Even at $1.10 it was still a bargain. What can you buy for $1? Not much. During my 7-mile ride from Hollywood to downtown Los Angeles, I enjoyed reading Jack Smith and the sports section, starring Jim Murray. Hordes of cars and trucks crawled, snarled and screamed at each other. “Ho hum. I think I’ll read about the Dodgers,” I smiled to myself while turning a page. I was seated. It was heaven.

The bus drivers were pros. They were cool and competent. The trip only took 25 minutes, after a 5-minute wait for the bus to arrive. My longest wait was 10 minutes. $1.10 for a bus ride? Too high? Don’t make me laugh. I paid $9 to park my car the day I drove. $9! I presume everyone knows the cost of auto insurance, gas, tires, brakes, oil, fan belts, not to mention the payments for a car. How about a minor accident?

We should thank the bus drivers, invite them over to dinner. Take them to Dodger Stadium and the Hollywood Bowl. Treat them to a hot dog, a beer, a Coke. For $1.10 they lead the charge, and they deliver while we relax.


The bad news is that the RTD is cheating us and endangering our lives by charging us $1.10 to stand packed like Texas steers on a truck. What do the health laws say about packing people like sardines?

Let’s be fair, RTD. Let’s be professional. Let Greyhound be your model. If they can provide everyone a seat, so can you. We’re not going to stand for your disgraceful pack-’em-in policy anymore. We want seats! It’s kind of like going to a theater. Your business will boom if you give us seats so we can read.


