
Public Transit


A list of the top 20 agencies that have failed to advance a comprehensive plan for reducing the number of vehicles on Southland roads would show some impressive names. Like, for example, the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the Southern California Assn. of Governments, both of which have Harriett M. Wieder as a member.

Her article scolding Joe and Jane Commuter (Orange County Opinion, July 10) is a typical bureaucratic diatribe--long on fault-finding, short on solutions. Saying we must “drive less” belabors the obvious; true leadership involves working toward programs that encourage public transit ridership, such as an intercounty network system.

Currently, Park and Ride is an express service to and from downtown Los Angeles (as if no one needed to travel elsewhere). It’s elementary: increase the viability of other commuting methods and there will be a reduction in vehicles clogging the highways.



