
Cesar Chavez’s Hunger Strike Now in 25th Day

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Associated Press

Cesar Chavez enters the 25th day of his fast today and has given no indication that he plans to stop his hunger strike for union contracts and against five pesticides.

The hunger strike by the 61-year-old labor leader, if extended through Thursday, will exceed his 25-day fast in 1968 to gain recognition of the United Farm Workers union.

Dr. Fidel Huerta said Tuesday that Chavez’s levels of uric acid remain constant but high, and his blood pressure is rising, UFW spokeswoman Lorena Parlee said. Huerta suggested that Chavez remain resting today with no visitors, Parlee said.


A caravan of Hollywood film and television stars came here Monday to give the 4-year-old boycott of California table grapes a publicity boost. They visited the labor leader, six at a time, at his bedside and then issued a strong public plea to support the table grape boycott.

Chavez, who reportedly is bedridden, now is assisted to a nightly Mass and community meeting at the union compound, attended by hundreds of people. Huerta encouraged Chavez “not to overdo it” by sitting through the entire Mass.
