
‘Malibu: Cityhood and Sewers’


It was good to see that The Times has editorially endorsed allowing Malibu to vote for cityhood. Several points in your editorial were not accurate regarding septic systems. My company has been in the septic business for over 30 years in Maibu and I feel that I have first-hand knowledge. You don’t replace aging septic tanks (after 50 years) with a costly sewer system--one simply puts in a new tank. Sure, storms damage beach systems, but the ocean contamination by the digested effluent of 50 scattered systems in the middle of winter is nothing compared to a Pacific Coast Highway sewer line bursting in July, spilling raw sewage into homes and the beach. As for anyone limited to one flush an hour, it is his own fault for not having his system serviced on time.

Finally, why isn’t the County Health Department enforcing existing laws for septic offenders? Hiring an additional inspector ($50,000) is less costly than $86 million, plus lateral and hook-up charges. Malibu only needs a sewer system in its civic center area.


