
A Grand Old Party, Democrat-Style

Associated Press

Political differences were put aside Monday as a Democratic congresswoman invited Republicans to celebrate at her house on Bourbon Street, favored path of partying conventioneers.

Rep. Lindy Boggs (D-La.) said her party was to repay a 12-year-old debt of gratitude. In 1976, she helped plan the Democratic National Convention in New York. Her hosts included Republicans, and their city was in deep financial trouble.

“Once we were established in New York, everyone, regardless of partisan politics, worked very hard to make it very successful. The same thing, I think, is true here,” Boggs said.


“It’s a tiny bit of reciprocity on my part. New Orleans has been in a very serious economic downturn. This is a real lift in spirits and the economy as well,” she said. “When your city needs help, everyone pulls together.”
