

Compiled by Henry Rivero

Not surprisingly, Freddy Krueger’s latest resuscitation, the Brat Pack on horseback and the British caper comedy topped the weekend’s box office in Orange County, roughly reflecting the national trend. But the week’s anomalies from the nation’s top five--”Tucker” and “Married to the Mob”--helped knock “Die Hard” and “Cocktail” right out of the lineup into sixth and seventh place, respectively, on the local list.

Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. (Studio) (National) (National) 1. Nightmare on Elm Street IV (1) $128,688 13 / $9,899 (New Line) ($12.8 million) (1,765 / $7,271) 2. Young Guns (2) $101,257 16 / $6,329 (20th Century Fox) ($5.0 million) (1,416 / $3,558) 3. A Fish Called Wanda (4) $74,489 13 / $5,730 (MGM/UA) ($4.4 million) (1,215 / $3,627) 4.Tucker (8) $66,937 7 / $9,562 (Paramount) ($2.8 million) (720 / $3,864) 5. Married to the Mob (7) $64,587 13 / $4,968 (Orion) ($3.2 million) (824 / $3,921) * The Last Temptation of Christ (2) $20,543 2 / $10,273 (Universal) ($1.2 million) (18 / $26,459)

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Aug. 25, 1988 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday August 25, 1988 Orange County Edition Calendar Part 6 Page 10 Column 1 Entertainment Desk 1 inches; 21 words Type of Material: Correction
“The Last Temptation of Christ” ranked 21st in national box-office receipts last week. The ranking reported in Wednesday’s Calendar was incorrect.

Movie (National ranking) Weeks (Studio) Released 1. Nightmare on Elm Street IV (1) -- (New Line) 2. Young Guns (2) 2 (20th Century Fox) 3. A Fish Called Wanda (4) 6 (MGM/UA) 4.Tucker (8) 2 (Paramount) 5. Married to the Mob (7) -- (Orion) * The Last Temptation of Christ (2) -- (Universal)


* The negative publicity didn’t seem to hurt “The Last Temptation of Christ” in its opening weekend. The controversial Martin Scorsese film not only performed decently on just two local screens, it also had the highest per screen average of any movie playing in Orange County.

SOURCE: Exhibitor Relations Co.
