
Bentsen Attacks Quayle’s Switch on Status of VA

United Press International

Democratic vice presidential nominee Lloyd Bentsen today attacked what he called Indiana Sen. Dan Quayle’s flip-flopping on the issue of giving the Veterans Administration Cabinet status.

Speaking to about 1,500 lawmakers and staff at the Southern Legislative Conference, the Texas senator said Quayle, the Republican vice presidential candidate, was one of only 11 senators who voted against the VA legislation.

“When he stood up before the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), he had a deathbed of conversion,” Bentsen said. “He saluted smartly, did an about-face and announced that he actually favored the Cabinet post. He said his vote against the proposal was a ‘youthful indiscretion.’ ”


“A youthful indiscretion?” Bentsen continued. “My friends, that vote occurred only five weeks ago, on July 8, 1988. I don’t think America can risk youthful indiscretion in someone who could become our President at any moment.”

‘Just Getting Started’

At a news conference after the 20-minute address, Bentsen was asked whether the Democrats have decided to step up their attacks on the GOP vice presidential nominee.

“We’re just getting started,” Bentsen said.

Bentsen, 67, said he would not attack Quayle, 41, as too young for the office but would question his experience for the job.

“I certainly don’t think he’s too young, but you have to have some maturity regardless of what age you might be,” Bentsen said.

‘Taken to Woodshed’

Bentsen said Quayle’s conversion on the VA issue seemed to be aimed at the presidential campaign.

“It sounds like he got taken to the woodshed,” Bentsen said.

Bentsen continued to maintain that he would not attack Quayle on charges that the Indiana senator used his influential family to obtain a slot in the National Guard during the Vietnam War.


“I’m not stepping up criticism of his personal life. I’m very careful about that,” Bentsen said. “But that doesn’t mean all of a sudden we forgo talking about the issues. That’s what this campaign is all about--the question of his qualifications.”
