
Local News in Brief : Countywide : Study Says There Is Not Much Oil Off Coast


The oil and gas that could be recovered from the Orange County coast would satisfy the nation’s energy needs for just three days, according to a study released Thursday.

These findings, in the study by Richard T. Tinney and Associates of Arlington, Va., could aid in the arguments of opponents of a plan to sell 14 million acres of the Southern California outer continental shelf, about 1 million of which are off the Orange County coast. Some of the underwater oil fields are as close as 3 miles offshore. The Orange County areas could produce about 52.8 million barrels of oil, according to the report.

The Tinney study, intended to analyze the effects of drilling off the county coast, was commissioned by Orange County, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach and San Clemente as part of their efforts to oppose the January, 1990, Lease-Sale plan. The sale has been proposed by the federal Mineral Management Service.
