
Burglars Steal ‘Last Temptation’ Print, Slash Utah Theater Screen

United Press International

Burglars broke into a theater here Friday, stealing a copy of the controversial film “The Last Temptation of Christ” and slashing the screen, police said, canceling the first scheduled Utah showing of the movie.

“Sometime between 1 a.m. and 11 a.m. they found the theater had been burglarized and someone damaged the screen” by cutting and ripping it apart, Police Lt. Mel Shields said.

The print of the film, which has spurred protests by religious groups nationwide, apparently was the only item taken by burglars, Shields said. And it appeared that nothing was damaged except the screen, which “was cut with a sharp object and then ripped open.”


But, he said, “We have no idea as to motive. There’s no indication of it being someone opposed to the film.”

The theft and screen damage forced cancellation of the 1 p.m. showing, the debut in Utah.

A theater spokesman said another print had been obtained and temporary repairs made to the screen that would allow the 7 p.m. showing to go ahead as scheduled.

Shields said the screen was extensively damaged and might have to be replaced, which he said would cost several thousand dollars.
