
Tips on Honing Reading Skills

United Press International

It’s often said that if a child likes to read, half the battle of learning is won.

You can help your preschool child get interested in books by reading to them and by encouraging them to read and play. The national, nonprofit organization Reading Is Fundamental Inc. has some tips on honing your child’s pre-reading skills.

Children often ask questions when you’re reading and that’s OK. Be a patient listener because preschoolers often ramble while completing their thoughts. Give each child time alone for talking to you so they won’t have to compete for your attention.

When you read to them, find stories about everyday experiences and those with main characters who are about your child’s age. Youngsters also like tales about real or imaginary playful animals.


Make sure your child can see the book you are reading and read slowly. Encourage the child to guess what will happen next. And don’t forget, children like to be read to even after they’ve learned how.

Parents can find out more about helping their child to read through RIF publications. You can obtain a catalogue by writing to RIF, P.O. Box 23444, Washington, DC. 20026
