
The Look of Political Success


In response to “The Redford Factor: Do Looks Really Sway Voters?” by Garry Abrams (Sept. 7), I take offense at USC political scientist Sheldon Kamieniecki’s comment, “Women with less education who tend to be housewives. . . .”

It appears to me the women’s work force is not made up of a majority of college-educated women. Many of the women’s jobs are in traditionally lower-paying fields such as secretary, retail, service or pink collar jobs.

As a CPA by education and a housewife by choice because of two preschoolers, I took an informal poll of my neighborhood housewives. (Of) the women who do not work and stay home with their children, four out of six have graduated from college. An assumption that housewives have less education than working women is erroneous. Some of us housewives have enough education to know our value in terms other than monetary.


By the way, we don’t vote on looks.


