
Tax Ruling Seen as Irrational


Apparently, the court and judges responsible for the irrational ruling that voter approval for tax proposals represents a “gross interference with the fiscal responsibility of local governments” (Times, Sept. 18) never heard of a war that our ancestors fought and won a few years ago over an almost identical issue, namely the issue of “taxation without representation.”

Do we now need to stage another “Boston Tea Party” to alert the lawyers and bureaucrats to the legal reality that we have had a democratic form of government in this country for over 200 years, which, in theory, requires that government and its officials govern only with the consent of the governed, of which the lawyers and bureaucrats presently comprise only a small, but swiftly multiplying, minority.

We seem to be degenerating rapidly into a government of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats, governing exclusively with the consent of the lawyers, who have only themselves and the bureaucrats as clients.



Rancho Palos Verdes
