
Anti-Semitic Group Assailed in Moscow

United Press International

The weekly newspaper Moscow News on Wednesday urged Soviet authorities to crack down on the spreading of anti-Semitic propaganda by the militant Russian nationalist group Pamyat.

Replying to a letter to the editor citing examples of anti-Jewish propaganda and threats by the group, Moscow News called on the chief prosecutor of the Soviet Union “to take legal measures to prevent further illegal actions of this kind.”

The letter writer, Valery Voskoboinikov of Leningrad, said Pamyat “blamed the Jews and non-Russians for everything from train crashes to Chernobyl.”


He said that members of Pamyat, or Memory, are publishing pamphlets appealing to readers “to remember partisan warfare where the ends justify the means.”

Pamyat, which alleges that a Zionist-Masonic conspiracy is destroying Russian culture, was born in the 1980s as a cultural and historical association.
