
Looking Ahead to the Challenges, Problems of 2000

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The problems the world faces today are many, but they may be of little consequence when compared to those that might be faced by the next generation. Thus, Hot Topics asks: “What will be the Earth’s major concern in the year 2000?”

“Population--the world will be overcrowded, and the food supply and water supply won’t stretch to cover all the people.”

Jennifer Waier, 15,

sophomore, Brea-Olinda

“Air pollution--there is too much smog, and the ozone layer is getting worse and worse.”

Jennifer Sitterding, 15,

sophomore, Brea-Olinda

“Pollution--there’s always air and water pollution, but in the year 2000, it will be worse.”


Dean Camaras, 15,

sophomore, Corona del Mar

“The threat of speed metal--hard-rocking bands such as Metallica will create such an unwanted following that the very existence of the planet will be threatened.”

Morgan Evans, 17,

senior, Corona del Mar

“AIDS--one out of every five people in the world now knows someone with AIDS. You wonder what the number is going to be like in 2000.”

Jamie Kagzman, 15,

sophomore, Corona del Mar

“I seriously believe that there are aliens after watching the TV show ‘UFO Cover-Up,’ and the government has been hiding their findings for the last 40 years. I believe by the year 2000, the public will know and there will be a problem.”


Kristin Willgerogh, 16,

junior, Corona del Mar

“Natural resources and their distribution around the world.”

Sharon Kern, 17,

senior, Cypress

“Due to technological advancements, we are going to have to focus upon the education of our youth because the current curriculum will not be suitable for new jobs which will be available in the year 2000.”

Arifa Mirza, 17,

senior, Cypress

“Feeding (the earth’s) people--it’s not that we will have a shortage of food, but the distribution of it will be tied down with red tape. Even now, we seem to be more concerned about defense than the basic welfare of the people.”

Cathy Warren, 16,

senior, Cypress

“New Year’s Eve.”

Ed Seibold, 17,

senior, Dana Hills

“Pollution--the greenhouse effect, acid rain, smog . . . “

Amy Watt, 17,

senior, Dana Hills

“Considering that we’re running out of a lot of natural resources now, I’d say our problem will be the same: furthering our technology as well as our ignorance.”


Julie Coontz, 17,

senior, Dana Hills


Tina Carrillo, 15,

junior, El Toro

“Pollution--more people equals more pollution.”

Sara Bone, 16,

junior, El Toro

“Lack of natural resources.”

Marc Masters, 17,

senior, El Toro

“The homeless.”

Tanya Waters, 16,

junior, El Toro

“Ozone layer.”

Stephenie Stordahl, 15,

sophomore, El Toro

“The technological advancement of the world, the cure for AIDS and the intellectual status of individuals.”

Leah Bayless, 17,

senior, Esperanza

“Ecology--toxic waste, pollution and the disappearing ozone layer--needs to replace the nuclear arms race as the basis for international negotiation.”

Rachael Kent, 17,

senior, Estancia

“The ozone layer. We’re all going to sizzle straight through.”

Scott Haiduc, 17,

senior, Foothill

“Overpopulation--there will hardly be enough room to breathe.”

Brian Stern, 16,

senior, Foothill

“The environment--the water, and air; it’s bad enough now, in 2001 it will be even worse.”

Joanne Lee, 16,

senior, Foothill

“The biggest worry is educating the people so they will be able to best answer the questions of the time.”

Chris Burton,

U.S. history teacher, Fullerton

“The political apathy of the American people.”

Tiffany Smartt, 16,

junior, Fullerton


Eve Schneiderman, 17,

senior, Fullerton

“How well the Dodgers will do in the next century.”

Andrew Pass, 15,

sophomore, Fullerton

“That there will not be enough girls in the world.”

Tim Noyes, 17,

senior, Heritage

“Artificial birth.”

Nathan Eakins, 14,

freshman, Heritage

“Overpopulation--with the advancement of the scientific technologies, the average life span of the common man has increased drastically. With limited space available on earth, I see overpopulation as the major concern.”

Roger Chen, 17,

senior, Laguna Hills

“Racial distrust among mankind will be his ultimate downfall. Even at the Summer Olympics, racial strife was prevalent. It also affects political and social relationships between all nations.”

Gregg Suzukawa, 17,

senior, Laguna Hills

“Africa’s growing problem of famine will have expanded to many other countries in that region.”


Howard Baik, 15,

sophomore, Laguna Hills

“Deterioration of the human race from immorality, abuse, hatred and carefree attitudes . . . and bell bottoms will be in fashion.”

Linda Kummer, 17,

senior, Lutheran

“The acquisition of practical energy sources other than fossil fuels, which at this time will be mostly depleted.”

Daniel Anselmi, 16,

junior, Pacifica

“I see lots of unrest in the world against right-wing dictatorships. The world will have the same problems it had in the late 1900s--it will have to decide whether it will accept democratic reforms for places such as Yugoslavia and Chile, or if it will allow governments to come down harder on the rebels. It will ultimately be up to the free world to either assist the liberty-seeking countries, risking unrest, or to allow the existence of repressive governments and ensuring the lack of international conflicts.”

Patricia Wu, 17,

senior, Pacifica

“The same one that has faced people since their origins: themselves. Their inability to cooperate and compromise their desires will become more and more dangerous with each technological advancement. Their weapon systems will become more advanced every day, yet their attitudes and maturity will remain as primitive as they were when they lived in caves and worshiped the sun. This imbalance will be the major problem man will face and will eventually be his undoing.”

Chad Noyes, 17,

senior, Pacifica

“Nuclear war--the earth will be a place of pure chaos and violence. The way things are now, peace may be a long way off.”

Mady Bribiesca, 13,

freshman, Rosary

“World War III or computers ruling the world.”

Jason Ondrak, 15, sophomore,

Southern California Christian

“Pollution--with the increased productivity, industries are producing faster than they are getting rid of pollution.”


Kathleen Phillips, 15,

sophomore, University

“The economy.”

Julie Waineo, 16,

junior, Valencia

Next Week’s Hot Topic: Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits? Why or why not?

Hot Topic responses gathered by Chris Bergerud, Joanna Brooks, Angela Conner, Rachel de Velder, John Doney, Crystal Fu, Lynda Kim, Joo Young Lee, Stephan Lee, Rebecca Leung, Jason Loeb, Chi Mai, Hai Pham, Kim Snow, Dawn Stone, Jana Swail, Patrick Yoon.
