
‘Insurance: Yes on 100’

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I was delighted to read your editorial endorsing Proposition 100. Everything I have read about this initiative seems to support your opinion that it is the best of the lot. Not only does it offer me, as a good driver, a 20% premium reduction, but it will end many of the special breaks that have shielded the insurance industry from public accountability, protect seniors from rip-offs, and provide funds to law enforcement agencies to fight insurance fraud.

I was also pleased that you took a strong stand against the insurance industry’s bogus reform measures, Propositions 101, 104, and 106. These deserve nothing but a no vote since they are nothing more that the same self-serving gobbledygook that we already find in our policies.

Finally, your most courageous stand was a no on Proposition 103. While many consumers have been attracted to this measure, clearly it is not the best choice for all the reasons you stated. In addition, it is much more narrowly focused than Proposition 100 (Proposition 103 excludes desperately needed rate regulation on health and disability insurance), and it appears to be very poorly written.



Hermosa Beach
