
Local News in Brief : Home-Grown Fruit to Be Confiscated

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Crews from the California Conservation Corps begin a door-to-door canvass today to confiscate home-grown fruit in an area of West Los Angeles where an infestation of Mediterranean fruit flies was recently detected.

Between 75 and 150 members of the corps will visit 1,200 households over the next 10 days, spokeswoman Suzanne Levitsky said. They will bag the fruit and trucks will transport it to a landfill, she said.

The area where the crews will be visiting is the so-called epicenter of the Medfly infestation, neighborhoods near Palms where most of the flies were discovered last month. Confiscation of the fruit is the latest in a series of measures adopted by state agricultural officials, including a five-hour aerial spraying of insecticide over the area.
