
The Nation : Test to Screen Leukemia Virus Approved

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The Food and Drug Administration approved tests that will make it possible to screen the nation’s blood supply for the presence of a virus that can cause a rare form of leukemia. The tests are aimed at detecting evidence of the Human T-lymphotrophic Virus Type 1, which has been linked to adult T-cell leukemia and a degenerative brain disease called tropical spastic paraparesis. Although studies show that only about 1% of HTLV-1-infected people develop leukemia and even fewer suffer from the brain disorder, Dr. S. Gerald Sandler, the American Red Cross’ associate vice president for blood services, said his group plans to use the test at all of its blood banks and wide-scale screening of blood donations should begin by early next year. HTLV-1 is thought to be spread by sexual contact, from mother to unborn child and through contaminated blood and blood products, an FDA spokeswoman said.
