
Arafat’s Address to the United Nations


In his column “ ‘Freedom for the Thought That We Hate’ Should Have Guided Shultz on Arafat” (Op-Ed Page, Dec. 2) Gary Hart is as confused as ever. Secretary of State George Shultz is not trying to keep Arafat from speaking his mind. Arafat can speak all he wants in Geneva or any place else but not in the United States for the simple fact that he can be legally charged as an accessory to the murder of a number of Americans. Arafat has never apologized for these murders or offered reparations to the families of the victims. He may have even smiled as his colleagues danced in the streets with jubilation over the murders.

Hart blithely passes over the fact that the representation of the Palestinian people by the PLO has not occurred by any democratic process. Instead it has been greatly promoted by intimidation, murder, and physical beatings. There are many Palestinians, who if given a choice, would place Arafat as their last choice but they dare not raise their voices.

A question becomes poised to Mr. Hart, “What freedoms should we really be talking about?”


Van Nuys
