
TV & VIDEO - Dec. 14, 1988

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

Japan’s government-controlled TV network is seeking European support for its national high-definition television broadcasting standards--currently different from those in place in Europe--before the average Japanese begins receiving his or her new HDTV sets in 1990. Nihon Hoso Kyokai said current plans call for its new “Hivision” system to go into operation in less than two years. Japanese officials say the U.S. Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers has already agreed on adopting most of the Hivision standards, but the Europeans are proving more recalcitrant, telling the Japanese they have not yet decided and will not until May, 1990. NHK said an agreement for a technical tie-up may pave the way for worldwide standards.
