
NAMES IN THE NEWS : Prince Hits End of Youth Welfare Aid

From Reuters

Britain’s Prince Edward today blamed changes in government welfare payments for worsening the plight of London’s young homeless who he said are prey to pimps and drug pushers.

His comments were a break with protocol, under which members of the Royal Family do not comment on political matters. Edward, 24, was presenting a $1.4-million check to a London charity that helps care for an estimated 30,000 homeless 16- to 19-year-olds in the capital when he made the remarks.

The prince said: “By accident, I am sure, their plight is about to get worse. For thanks to the reorganization of the welfare benefits . . . one or two anomalies have appeared, one of which is the ending of any sort of benefits to 10- to 17-year-olds. This blow is only one of many which can wreck a young life. For once in the homeless trap, it is merely a vicious downward spiral with no escape.”
