
Barr Syndrome


What Christon has to say about comedy is tragic. Does he really believe women watch Roseanne Barr to gain self-assurance that slovenliness and overeating are ‘OK’? If so, then he no doubt believes Jack Benny was trying to convince American men that being cheap was OK. Or that men watched Milton Berle to relieve their anxiety over dressing up as women.

I think Christon has a problem with the state of comedy today, because he expects too much from comedians. Sure, some of them are funny and some are not. But they’re not world leaders or politicians, and nor do they strive to be.

In his recent article about Sam Kinison, he commented on the screaming comic’s “position” on evangelists as expressed in his act. It wasn’t his position. It was a joke.


What’s more, the things Roseanne Barr says in an emasculating way about her husband are not items on a political agenda either. They’re jokes, too.

I realize that what Christon writes about comedians is your meal ticket. But I think he is taking it all a tad too seriously. Loosen up! Go pull out a volume of Dostoevski and have yourself a good guffaw!


Los Angeles
