
Earthquake in Armenia


For as long as many of us can remember, the Soviet Union and the United States have been expending enormous proportions of their respective resources in an effort to be capable of creating the kind of devastation for one another that Mother Nature recently created for Armenia.

Now, in a sudden burst of compassion, we are all tripping over one another in our zeal to help the poor, tragic victims of this disastrous earthquake. It seems that what we need, to distract ourselves from the preoccupation with killing one another, is a common, extremely threatening enemy. Might I suggest that there is no shortage of same. To name but a few: air pollution, the contamination of our oceans, the greenhouse effect due to the depletion of the ozone layer, overpopulation, and the vast scope of natural disasters. We must, at the moment, delete nuclear winter from our list of possibilities as this new-found friendship might diminish that threat. (Here you may add your own pet peril.)

The irony of it all, and the schizophrenic behavior of the human race boggles the mind!


Van Nuys
