
Pierce College and Jews for Jesus


It distresses me to read that officials at Pierce College believe they have the authority to deny students and campus visitors their rights by levying unconstitutional restrictions.

Our wonderfully fair law allows for reasonable time, place and manner considerations. Yet, the campus officials have arrogated to themselves more control than is proper or allowable by law. Their rules and restrictions are illegal and immoral, designed to prevent freedom of speech and religion.

If one must ask another’s consent to exercise his or her right, then it is no right but a privilege from a grantor to a grantee. We Jews for Jesus believe all people have the right to hear of God’s offer of love and forgiveness, though we gladly respect the rights of those who don’t want to hear what we’re saying. With God and the law on our side, we will continue to tell those who want to hear that Jesus is for Jews and non-Jews alike.



Sherman Oaks

Snyder is the Los Angeles director of Jews for Jesus.
