


During 1987 my husband and I, senior citizens, were deluged by requests for more money from charitable and political organizations after we had already made contributions earlier in the year. Because of that, I decided to keep a record of all requests in 1988 and not make any contributions until December.

So far we have received 218 requests from 74 organizations. (They are still coming.) We have received anywhere from 2 to 16 requests from these organizations. I can’t believe that the monies received are being used for research (medical) or any other legitimate reason. It would seem to me that the money received is being used to generate more requests for money.

I have written letters to some of the organizations saying that I will no longer contribute to them because of this.


One of the lists used has misspelled my street address. Therefore I can now keep track of how the lists are being sold.


Los Angeles
