
1988 THE YEAR IN REVIEW : Traffic:

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O ur readers wrote letters throughout 1988 expressing their viewpoints on a variety of issues. Here are condensed versions of some of those letters. We appreciate their taking the time to share their viewpoints and look forward to hearing from you in 1989. In every survey of Orange County issues and in every poll of attitudes, transportation and traffic congestion consistently emerge as the No. 1 concern on people’s minds today. But we don’t need polls and surveys to tell us traffic is a problem. And we can all feel the frustrations of thinking that no one, anywhere, is doing anything about it.

Well, some positive things are being done: widening the San Diego Freeway, rebuilding the aged Santa Ana-Costa Mesa freeways interchange and lengthening the Costa Mesa Freeway past the Orange County Fairgrounds.

These freeway improvements are only one part of our energetic effort to meet our transportation problems head-on. New transportation facilities are needed. More flexible work hours, more ride-sharing and other transportation-management techniques are on tap.




Orange County

Transportation Commission
