
World Bank Rates to Rise for Some Debtor Nations

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Associated Press

The World Bank is raising interest rates for more prosperous Third World countries to 7.65% annually, the first such increase since the bank began lending at variable rates in 1982, officials said Wednesday.

The rate will apply during the first six months of this year on $37 billion worth of loans to about 70 countries, said Sheldon Rappaport, a spokesman for the bank.

For the second half of 1988, the rate was 7.59%. The increase amounts to only 0.06% but will cost the borrowers an additional $11 million, Rappaport estimated. The rate is based on the cost of the bank’s own borrowings and will be recalculated in mid-1989. The bank gets most of its funds from borrowing on world markets.


The bank is owned by 151 governments, with the United States holding the largest block of shares, and is the biggest source of aid to Third World countries.
