
Local News in Brief : Shelter to House Armory’s Homeless


The Bell Homeless Shelter for the next three days will provide shelter to between 50 and 75 homeless people who lost their emergency quarters when the California National Guard armory in Long Beach became unavailable, officials said Thursday.

Salvation Army Capt. David Hudson, administrator of the Bell shelter, said a Los Angeles County official asked him to make room for the extra people from Long Beach. Hudson said the 18,000-square-foot facility, a remodeled federal warehouse, is already providing shelter to about 230 people. But if the weather continues to be rainy and cold, the shelter’s ranks could swell to more than 300, he said.

Los Angeles County officials have been informed that the National Guard plans to use the Long Beach armory for routine drills on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


Under a state program, the armories normally are given over to the homeless whenever temperatures drop below 40 degrees in dry weather and 50 degrees in rainy weather.
