
Spending Cut Needed

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The Nov. 6 column by James Flanigan, “Promises of No New Taxes Have a Hollow Ring,” has a hollow ring of its own because it ignored an alternative to tax increases that likewise was ignored by this year’s crop of candidates. Namely, reducing waste, mismanagement and inefficiency in the federal government.

If the new Congress and President work together to implement all of the recommendations of the Grace Commission, fully three-quarters of the federal budget deficit could be eliminated without cutting essential programs and without any tax increases.

The American people are already are taxed enough. Tax increases will serve only to undermine economic growth by taking additional resources away from where they are needed most: the private sector. Besides, as recent history has shown us, Congress spends $1.55 for each additional dollar that it receives in taxes.


Indeed, tax revenues have gone up dramatically since President Reagan assumed office, thanks to economic growth. The problem, of course, is that spending has gone up even faster.

So if the health of the economy is what we are really concerned about, then let’s end all this talk about the “need” or “inevitability” of tax increases. What we need is to reduce the deficit by reducing spending. Nothing less will do.



The writer is director of communications for Citizens Against Government Waste.
