
Brea’s Mayor Pleads for Wide Public Role

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Now that the rush and excitement of the holiday season is over, many of us will use the occasion of the new year to take a good look at ourselves and resolve to make some changes for the better. If I might, I would like to suggest that this year each of us make a resolution that goes beyond helping ourselves and resolve to also make a positive difference for others by taking a larger role in our neighborhoods, our workplace and our community.

The tradition of people helping people has always been one of Brea’s greatest strengths. In recognition of that fact, the Brea City Council has declared that in 1989 we will recognize that in “Brea . . . Our People Make the Difference.” This theme will be promoted throughout the year to emphasize the generosity of spirit that typifies our community. We will also be recognizing individuals and organizations for the vital role they play in strengthening the values that reflect “Good Old Brea.”

It is my hope that in 1989 more citizens will be inspired to join those individuals already giving so much of themselves for Brea. So, as you resolve to shed those extra pounds or finally quit some annoying habit, don’t forget to make a commitment to share some of your time, energy or resources for others, because in Brea, You make the difference.


Mayor of Brea
