
The Controversy Over Irvine Rights Ordinance


Your article concerning “gay rights” evokes a response. As a longtime resident of Irvine and a victim of discrimination, I wish to comment on the mounting resistance to the ordinance outlawing discrimination. We in Irvine are fortunate indeed to live in a city that provides so much beauty and a good quality of life. Some of us become complacent because in Irvine we are insulated from much of the turmoil outside our haven.

The ordinance in no way advocates a “gay” life style. That is a figment of someone’s overworked imagination and possibly their own bias. What the ordinance does say is that discrimination against any person is not acceptable.

I have been discriminated against because I have gray hair. This appears to be unacceptable in our society. As a female, I have encountered discrimination in the workplace as well as other areas. Most recently, I was discriminated against because I developed cancer. I lost my job and friends turned away under the misconception that cancer is contagious.


It is difficult to comprehend that in this period of enlightenment, and in this democratic country, there could be such tunnel vision. Any type of discrimination should be outlawed as an attempt by those who are uninformed to use any means to press their own agenda.

Although we cannot outlaw prejudice in someone’s mind, we can at least make them aware with an ordinance that states that no type of discrimination is acceptable.


