
U.S. Relations With Nicaragua

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A statement in the article “Contras Switch Stance, Agree to Talks in U.S.” (Part I, Dec. 31) raises questions. The statement said, “The Contras have not engaged in military operations against the Sandinistas since last March.” This may be technically correct in some sense, but Contra attacks have been deadly since March.

For example, “Envio,” the magazine of the Jesuits of Central America, quoting Witness for Peace observations, said in its November, 1988, issue, “On Aug. 29 and Sept. 14, the Contras killed two off-duty members of the military in Waslala. On Aug. 31, they kidnapped two girls in the Cuapa area, 9 and 14 years old; the 9 year old was released, but the older girl has not been heard from since. . . . Eight Miskito Indians were kidnapped Sept. 9 in Zompopera; one who escaped said the rest were being taken to Honduras to be trained as Contras. On Sept. 24, 150 Contras attacked the village of Los Angeles, near Nueva Guinea. While some Contras engaged the soldiers in a nearby military post, killing one soldier and one militia member, other Contras overran the village, stealing from stores and houses and setting fire to the health clinic . . . “ and much more.


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