
Is It Prejudice or Resentment?

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In regard to the Jan. 8 story in the San Gabriel Valley section about the sign being repeatedly stolen from the real estate business of Caesar Wu in San Marino:

Minorities are quick to use the words “prejudice” and “bigotry.” They tend to use these words defensively.

I do not consider myself a bigot. Nor am I prejudiced toward minorities.

I do, however, resent this attitude. And the sign. And I feel that some mistake public resentment for prejudice.


Americans like myself, who have fought for this country, and for the freedom we have, resent those who would usurp it. This is, after all, America, not China. Those who come here to enjoy the freedoms we have fought for also have the obligation to become Americans, to speak our language and become part of our great society.

You have come to my country and lived and prospered for over 20 years. San Marino is now 35% Chinese-American. I respect the fact that they are proud of their ethnic heritage. But this is America. Not China. If you want so much to be Chinese, and put up signs in Chinese, I respectfully submit that you go to China and do just that.


Temple City
