
Laguna Teachers’ Pay

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The teachers of the Laguna Beach Unified School District have been asked to take a real pay cut for the second year in a row (their increase is less than inflation). Meanwhile, this past year a new $60,000 administrator has been hired and the administrators have received substantial pay increases. This would be appropriate only if you agree with the “Rising Stars for 1989” article in the Los Angeles Times Magazine (Jan. 1).

District Supt. Dennis Smith is honored as one of Southern California’s “rising stars” and given credit for the district’s performance. The article states: “Since taking over . . . in June, 1986, Smith has steered it to higher test scores and a National Distinguished School Award.” Others of us disagree and believe that the credit for the district’s superb performance is due to the competence and diligence of the teachers who have served for many years.

Of course, “Rising Star” means that it is expected that Smith will be on the fast track of changing jobs and heading larger and larger school districts. We all respect advancement and personally wish Smith the very best. However, as Smith leaves, those who continue to live in Laguna Beach ought to be concerned about what we will be left with.


The Times’ article states that “This year the district’s 10-year drop in enrollment is expected to reverse as new subdivisions are built.” The educational establishment may be impressed by Smith cutting teacher salaries while increasing enrollment and school revenues by being a big proponent of building 3,200 houses in Laguna Canyon (Laguna Laurel project). But this isn’t good for Laguna Beach.

Most Lagunans want to support education but want to protect Laguna Canyon from massive development. All should continue to fight to preserve the beauty and tranquillity of Laguna Canyon, while sending a contribution to supplement the district’s tight budget.


Laguna Beach
