
Controversy Over Taped Police ‘Sting’

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With all the media attention surrounding the Don Jackson vs. Long Beach Police Department incident, I am reluctant to add to the morass of accusations and innuendo, but I am compelled to comment.

My observations may not be totally unbiased--I too am a peace officer. I am not employed in Los Angeles County. I will readily admit that law enforcement tactics and departmental policies vary from agency to agency. One basic reality that runs like a continuous thread through the entire fabric of law enforcement is that there are biased/racist/sexist cops just like there are biased/racist/sexist civilians. The law enforcement profession has set standards and goals for itself and strives to reach those goals. All cops in this state are familiar with the “code of ethics” and it really means something to most of us.

I feel that Jackson is out of line in his pursuit of “justice.” He is abusing his status as a peace officer. It is not his job to seek out, incite, exploit, “blow the whistle” or “point the finger” at others.


As a female in a predominately male profession, I can attest to the fact that there have been and continue to be negative barriers to surmount. The best way to effect change is to work from within the structure. Sgt. Jackson has at least attained rank which is something that still eludes many women officers. As a minority myself, I have been more acutely aware of the plight of other minorities. Change is slow, but it does happen.

It is unfair to criticize an entire professional group based on what can be safely called a media ploy.

Sgt. Jackson’s motivation is very clear to me. He is avenging himself on the profession that he believes has wronged him. It is very sad, indeed, that he has duped the media, various watchdog organizations and especially some of the public using the race issue as his focal point.



