
Cablevision May Owe Refunds to 30,000 Subscribers

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Customers who subscribe to the Cablevision system may be eligible for a minimum $30 refund if they were hooked up before July, 1987, company officials said Wednesday.

Cablevision General Manager Tom Belcher said customers were required to pay a $30 refundable deposit for converter boxes when the system was owned by Valley Cable a few years ago. He said Cablevision, which took over the system in July, 1987, discontinued the required deposit.

Belcher said the company may owe refunds to about 30,000 customers.

Cablevision customers who believe they are owed refunds should notify the company in writing, Belcher said. Cablevision officials will review each request and refund the deposit with 6% annual interest if the customer’s account is in good standing or if the refund has not already been credited, he said.


Cablevision serves about 75,000 homes in the west San Fernando Valley, Belcher said.
