
Washington Archdiocese Will Close 3 of 4 City High Schools

From Associated Press

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has announced that it will permanently close three of its four city high schools in June because of a decade-long decrease in enrollment

The archdiocese announced Thursday that it will close Mackin Catholic High School, a boys school, and All Saints and Holy Spirit, two girls high schools.

Only Archbishop John Carroll High School will open for classes in the fall, drawing students from the other three schools and for the first time admitting girls as students.


Cardinal James A. Hickey, Washington’s archbishop, said the archdiocese is not abandoning the nation’s capital. “Our commitment remains unshaken and enhanced,” he said.

Meanwhile, two independent Catholic girls high schools in the area also have announced plans to close. They are the Academy of Notre Dame, in Washington, and Regina High School in suburban Hyattsville, Md.
