
Mayor’s Arrest in Prostitution Case

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Re “Fountain Valley Mayor Arrested in Prostitute Case” (Feb. 2): I just can’t keep quiet on this story.

It’s really time for America to come to terms with its sexuality and legalize prostitution. What purpose is served by entrapping people into solicitation like this? Is Frederick Voss a danger to the community? I doubt it.

But he sure is embarrassed and probably wants to disappear forever.

Meanwhile, the female cop who lured him into this situation is probably being honored for bagging a big fish.


I suspect the real tragedy is that the police like the situation as it is. They get to collect some “fines” from prostitutes as well as Johns, and meanwhile everybody goes back to his original business.

It’s time that the state removed itself from the personal transactions of consenting adults.

Why is it illegal to have sex? And why do you cover a story like this? Tell me, how does this story improve society at large or tell us anything important that we need to know? Personally, although he’s not my mayor, I really don’t care about his sex life. Nor do I feel that his leisure activities, especially such personal ones, need to be splashed all over the front page.


My heart goes out to this poor guy.


Costa Mesa
