
Quayle on Soviets


So Vice President Dan Quayle has finally surfaced. He seems to have taken a tough stance on yet something else of which he knows nothing. The media have reported evidence that the Soviets seem to be making gains in the cause of human rights, and we at least must observe to see if the trend continues. But, more importantly, Quayle’s statement concerning the propagation of “much evil” caused by Soviet “hatred of God” demonstrates a backward, narrow-minded and arrogant attitude having no place in government or human relations (“Quayle Says Soviet ‘Hatred of God’ Causes Much of World’s Evil,” Part I, Jan. 31).

Ignorance also pervades Quayle’s statements. The Random House Dictionary defines atheism as “having no belief in a god or gods.” The concept of hatred of God certainly implies belief in God and belies Quayle’s entire premise.

I am sure we haven’t heard the last of our newly elected vice president, and I am equally certain he will continue to set an example none of us will want to follow.



North Hollywood
