
‘Japan Seeks World Influence’

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Who really won World War II? Those of us who fought in the Pacific now wonder. What Japan was unable to do militarily, it is now pursuing economically.

The Hawaiian Islands have already been “bought out.” Unfortunately, this is now occurring in California. Japan has purchased most of the major buildings in downtown Los Angeles, as well as banks, commercial property, industries, golf courses, hotels, wineries and the land, businesses, and even residential properties throughout the state.

This situation can only become worse. Japan controls the 10 largest banks in the world. Purchase of U.S. industries gives Japan access to our technology, and eventual control. Japan is certainly not doing this to create jobs for U.S. citizens, but more realistically to create profits for Japan from U.S. resources (as is being done in other countries).


The recent Toshiba case indicates that Japan is already influencing the voting of Senate and House members. Now, Prime Minister Takeshita is making Japan’s intent clear to a new President. Anyone wanting to understand the situation better might read the newly released book “Yen.”


Newport Beach
