
Local News in Brief : Council OKs Encino Dealership Remodeling


A $1-million remodeling project designed to spruce up a Rolls-Royce automobile dealership in Encino was approved Friday by the Los Angeles City Council over the objections of several nearby homeowners.

Council members voted 12 to 0 to allow car lot owner Terry York to build a showroom and service garage at 15800 Ventura Blvd. after being told that York had agreed to landscaping and vehicle-unloading controls to protect a nearby residential neighborhood.

Encino-area Councilman Marvin Braude told colleagues that York has been “cooperative and reasonable” in negotiating with neighbors.


Several residents protested the project, however. They complained that York has continued to disrupt traffic by allowing transport trucks to double-park while unloading new cars and by allowing burglar alarms in $185,000 Rolls-Royces and in Jaguars to wail at night.

“We did our best to address these concerns,” said Councilman Hal Bernson, chairman of the council’s Planning Committee. “It’s unfortunate you have a commercial corridor with residents behind it. But that’s the way it is. This is the best possible scenario. . . . This is going to be much nicer for neighbors.”

York said it will be much nicer for luxury car makers, too.

“The present facility is too old. It’s outdated,” York testified at an earlier city hearing. “Jaguar is not happy with the appearance of the facility. Jaguar wants an updated facility.”
