
P. M. BRIEFING : Six Nations to Cut Oil Production

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<i> From Times wire services </i>

An oil newsletter reported today that six nations which are not members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will cut oil production by 180,000 barrels a day in the second quarter of 1989 to help stabilize oil prices.

The producers had agreed on cuts at a one-day meeting in London Feb. 21 but amounts were not disclosed.

The Middle East Economic Survey reported the six countries’ and barrel-per-day cuts are: Mexico 68,000; China 31,000; Oman 28,000; Egypt 24,000; North Yemen 20,000; and Malaysia 17,000.


“However, a question mark still hangs over the biggest fish of all--the Soviet Union,” the newsletter said. It said the Soviet Union, with other countries, agreed to go back to its authorities to determine its contribution to the cuts.
