
The Nation - News from March 5, 1989

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Anti-abortion demonstrators were hauled away by the busload from coordinated protests at women’s medical clinics in three New England states. Arrests totaled more than 300, including two members of pro-choice groups that staged counter-rallies. Four busloads of demonstrators in Brookline, Mass., were booked on disorderly conduct charges. Other protests took place at abortion advocate Bill Baird’s clinic in Boston; a Danbury, Conn., clinic, and at the Providence headquarters of Rhode Island Planned Parenthood. The simultaneous protests began at 7:45 a.m. at three Brookline clinics along a three-mile stretch of Beacon Street. “What we want to do is witness the life and so gum up the works (that) no longer is it possible to kill unborn children, so the legal system simply can’t deal with the closing of the clinics. They can’t arrest everybody,” said Father David Mullen of St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church in Wellesley, a protest organizer.
