
‘Sell-Out in Central America’

Ikle’s column was filled with the same lies, half-truths and innuendoes that have plagued our Central American policy for the last eight years.

I have a son who is now in Nicaragua and was recently in El Salvador. He tells a very different story. He is not a communist or a subversive but a political science major who recently graduated from CSUN with top honors.

As a metropolitan newspaper that represents the largest Hispanic population outside Mexico City in the world, I would hope that you would take a more informed view of true conditions in Central America instead of feeding on the ignorance and gullibility of your readers, and red-baiting at the expense of the Central American people, and the overburdened American taxpayer whose money is being used to fight our dirty, little secret war against people who did have an open and honest election before the CIA got its hands in the act.



Los Angeles
