
Mayor Voss’ Arrest in Prostitution Case

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I take strong exception to the letter written by Don Hull of Costa Mesa (Feb. 12). He seems to have several issues confused.

Whether or not prostitution should be legalized is hardly the question. It is not legal at this time, hence Fountain Valley Mayor Fred Voss was issued a citation for breaking the law.

Mayor Voss may or may not be embarrassed, but he obviously does not want to disappear. He doesn’t even seem inclined to submit his letter of resignation and relieve the citizens of Fountain Valley of the very real embarrassment of still having a person serving as mayor who is currently on 3 years’ probation for soliciting a prostitute.


The “female cop who lured him into this situation” should not be accused of taking pleasure in landing a “big fish.” This Santa Ana policewoman was doing her job and did not even recognize him. The arrest was not a case of the state interfering with the sexual activities of consenting adults. It was simply a case of a man explicitly expressing his sexual needs to a “prostitute” who happened to be an undercover policewoman.

I certainly agree that Mayor Voss’ sex life is his own business, but his total lack of judgment and the publicity it has caused has made it the business of every citizen of Fountain Valley. He has violated the public trust that goes along with his elected office and for that reason alone he should resign his position as a member of the City Council.

If he is truly interested in the citizens and the city of Fountain Valley, I’m sure that he does not want the additional publicity and the expense to the city that a recall election will entail.



Fountain Valley
